Californias solar power bill could boost solar capacity

A single, devastating California fire season wiped out years of efforts to cut emissions from the state’s biggest source of CO2 emissions, forcing power plant operators to scramble to figure out how to cut emissions as well.

Since at least the 1970s, California policymakers have been struggling to cut emissions from the state’s biggest source of CO2 emissions, the electricity sector. But the massive wildfires that burned across the state in August and September of this year have forced a massive reshuffling of priorities in its energy sector.

Since at least the 1970s, California policymakers have been struggling to cut emissions from the state’s biggest source of CO2 emissions, the electricity sector. But the massive wildfires that burned across the state in August and September of this year have forced a massive reshuffling of priorities in its energy sector.

Since at least the 1970s, California policymakers have been struggling to cut emissions from the state’s biggest source of CO2 emissions, the electricity sector. But the massive wildfires that burned across the state in August and September of this year have forced a massive reshuffling of priorities in its energy sector.

Since at least the 1970s, California policymakers have been struggling to cut emissions from the state’s biggest source of CO2 emissions, the electricity sector. But the massive wildfires that burned across the state in August and September of this year have forced a massive reshuffling of priorities in its energy sector.

Since at least the 1970s, California policymakers have been struggling to cut emissions from the state’s biggest source of CO2 emissions, the electricity sector. But the massive wildfires that burned across the state in August and September of this year have forced a massive reshuffling of priorities in its energy sector.

Since at least the 1970s, California policymakers have been struggling to cut emissions from the state’s biggest source of CO2 emissions, the electricity sector. But the massive wildfires that burned across the state in August and September of this year have forced a massive reshuffling of priorities in its energy sector.

The power of the sun is on tap in California as the state gears up for its summer of intense sunlight with a new state bill that could increase the capacity of solar power plants by adding an extra hour in the day.

The power of the sun is on tap in California as the state gears up for its summer of intense sunlight with a new state bill that could increase the capacity of solar power plants by

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